Clinical psychologist, author, speaker, media contributor, and nationally recognized OCD, anxiety, and parenting expert.

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The Stress-Less LifeTM was created to provide knowledge on the value of healthy living and offer strategies to defeat undue stress and anxiety. Through Dr Yip’s Stress-Less Life Podcast, Show, Baby Steps Pregnancy Vlog, and Parenting series, we share realistic and practical tips on dealing with stress and anxiety; tools implemented at the Renewed Freedom Center to help patients suffering from OCD and anxiety disorders. Now you too can learn these stress relief strategies to break free from worries and fears. You don’t have to live a life consumed by stress and anxiety.
Introducing Dr. Yip’s Book:
Dr. Yip’s book provides readers the opportunity to break out of old habits and become more productive at work, and successful in life! End procrastination by making anxiety work for you rather than against you.