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Productive, Successful YOU!: How to Bust Stress, Eliminate Procrastination and Increase Productivity ArticleThe Stress-Less Pregnancy Vlog

Productive, Successful YOU!: How to Bust Stress, Eliminate Procrastination and Increase Productivity

Productivity is key toward leading a rewarding, fulfilled life. When you are productive, you typically experience a sense of accomplishment that increases your self-confidence to achieve further endeavors. However, any productive effort is dependent on motivation and morale – your belief in yourself to reach your established goals. Certain factors…
Jenny Yip
June 14, 2016
How to Stop Procrastinating Article

How to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination comes in all shapes and sizes. Some people are just underwhelmed and disinterested at the tedious task at hand, and would rather spend their limited time on earth on more rewarding activities. Other people become completely overwhelmed by the unrealistically high standards that they set for themselves, and prefer…
Jenny Yip
May 20, 2016
Understand Anxiety in Children So You Can Take Action – Go! Article

Understand Anxiety in Children So You Can Take Action – Go!

Many children exhibit behavioral and/or attentional problems. Some of these symptoms are age appropriate and disappear as the child matures, while others require further attention from professionals. However, when it comes to childhood mental health, school personnel, pediatricians, therapists, and other professionals are often quick to label a child simply…
Jenny Yip
May 1, 2013
Mindfulness Demystified Article

Mindfulness Demystified

According to Merriam Webster, the definitions for mindfulness are: 1) bearing in mind; 2) inclined to be aware. Neither of these truly captures the Eastern tradition of simply “to be”. The fact is that there is no one specific word in the English language that encapsulates the state of ‘moment-to-moment…
Jenny Yip
March 1, 2013
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